Word Cooperative Monitor

The 7th annual World Cooperative Monitor is now available.

The report paints a picture of the scale and strength of the global cooperative movement and reports on the world’s largest cooperative and mutual organisations, providing a ranking of the Top 300 and sectorial analysis based on 2016 financial data.

The 2018 World Cooperative Monitor collected data for 2.575 organisations. The world’s top 300 cooperative organizations operate in different sectors: insurance (32%), agriculture (35%), wholesale and retail trade (19%), banking and financial services (8%), industry and utilities (2%), health, education and social care (2%) and other services (2%) and report a total turnover of over two trillion USD.

More information at: https://monitor.coop/en

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7th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy

7th CIRIEC International Research Conference on 

Social and Solidarity Economy

Social and Solidarity Economy: Moving Towards a New Economic System

Bucharest, Romania, 6th – 9th June 2019

The 7th CIRIEC’s international conference will be an occasion for shared reflection on the role of Social and Solidarity Economy in facing the current challenges and a realizing a ‘transformational vision’ such as the one set by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

More information at: http://www.solidaritate.eu/index.php/ciriec-2019/

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Toledo, Spain 4th and 5th October 2018.http://ciriec.es/noticias/llamada-a-la-presentacion-de-comunicaciones-para-el-xvii-congreso-de-investigadores-en-economia-social-de-ciriec-espana-toledo-octubre-2018/

More information at (Spanish): 

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UKSCS Annual Conference – 2018 Diversity in Co-operation: People, place, and organisations

Friday 31st August 2018: Doctoral colloquium/ UKSCS Annual General meeting

Saturday 1- Sunday 2 September: Main conference

Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield S1 1WB, UK.

See call for papers and more information at https://ukscs.coop/node/114

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International Journal of Co-operative Accounting and Management (IJCAM)

The Journal of Co-operative Accounting and Reporting (JCAR) has merged with the International Journal of Co-operative Management (IJCM). The resulting new journal is the International Journal of Co-operative Accounting and Management (IJCAM).

Daphne Rixon is the Editor-in-Chief and Peter Davis is the Senior Editor. We will retain all prior editions of both journals and continue to have free access.

More information at http://www.smu.ca/academics/sobey/ijcam.html

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2018 Experts Meeting on Co-operative Accounting and Reporting: Co-operative Socio-economic Transformation

June 25-26, 2018 (London, UK). 

The purpose of the Experts Meeting is ‘looking forward’ versus talking about status quo. It is about discussing challenges and opportunities for co-operative specific accounting, measurement, and reporting.

More information at http://www.smu.ca/academics/sobey/research-cearc.html

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ICA2018 Research Conference.

Organised by Five Dutch Universities, NCR and ICA Research Committee
Date Wed 4 July 2018 until Fri 6 July 2018
Venue WICC (before Hof van Wageningen), Wageningen, The Netherlands

The key questions to be discussed at the ICA2018 Research Conference relate to innovation in enterprise and community. For the sustainability and resilience of the cooperative model, innovation is paramount. Which internal and external factors provide the fertile ground for such innovation? What are the key success factors for continuous (or renewed) member commitment and stakeholder legitimacy?

More informatio at http://www.ica2018.nl/

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2nd International Symposium on Accounting and Reporting: Co-operative Socio-Economic Transformation

May 11-13, 2017 in Halifax | Call for papers due December 15
Co-operative Management Education (CME) program and the Centre of Excellence in Accounting and Reporting (CEARC) will be co-hosting the 2nd International Symposium on Accounting and Reporting May 11 (evening), 12 & 13, 2017 at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The Symposium will focus on leading practices for co-operative accounting and reporting. We are currently accepting papers – submission details:



Deadline to submit your paper has been extended to January 31, 2017.

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ICA CCR Global Research Conference 2017

‘Developing Inclusive, Collaborative and Responsible Businesses: Co-operatives in Theory, Policy and Practice’

University of Stirling, Scotland June 20-23 201

Important Dates
10 February 2017 Deadline for abstract submission for papers, posters and proposed sessions
10 February – 24 February 2017 Evaluation and selection process
27 February 2017 Notification of acceptances (and refusals) and instructions for presentation Publication of list with the accepted papers, sessions and posters.
26 April 2017 Final date for ‘early bird’ registration.
2 June 2017 Final date for all authors´ registration. NB. Only the papers for which at least one author is registered by 2 June (payment validated) will be included in the Conference programme!
9 June 2017 Deadline for the upload of full texts of papers or presentations.
13 June 2017 Full papers available on-line
20 – 23 June 2017 Conference

More information at First Call for Papers

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The Practitioners Forum 2016

Manchester, UK; 17 November 2016 – 9:30am to 5:00pm

Organized by Co-operatives UK, the Practitioners Forum offers professional training for people operating in key roles in co-operative businesses large and small. A unique professional development opportunity, this sell-out event enables delegates to learn from experts and network with peers.

More Information at:  http://www.uk.coop/PF16

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